Category Archives: Expat Stories

Mexico Living with Noah Steinberg Di-Stefano

Noah shares his journey from the east coast to the beautifully chaotic Mexico City. He also describes what it’s like to work with a variety of NGOs, his inspiration for a life abroad, and provides a glimpse into Mexican food, culture and hospitality.


Noah Steinberg Di-Stefano is co-author of the upcoming book, Becoming an Expat: Mexico.

Check out this episode!

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International Love and Accidental Expatriation

Love struck Amanda changes her plans from a three month backpacking trip to an indefinite island life. How this Boston gal ended up in Roatan, on House Hunters International, and working as a dive shop manager.

Corey Coates Journey to Costa Rica

Corey Coates in Costa RicaCorey Coates shares his journey from Canada to Costa Rica, his shift from corporate life to the tropics, how he entered the world of podcasting, and what his plans are for the future.